What to Expect: Flats Fishing in the Berrys

The different fishing elements surrounding the Berry Islands in the Northern Bahamas are dynamic to say the least. You’ve got miles of firm white sand flats, wild backcountry creeks, acres of mangroves, expanses of beautiful turtle grass, oceanside edges, and endless miles of shorelines and coves. Throughout the year, these different environs hold Bonefish, Permit, Triggerfish, Mutton Snapper, Barracuda, Tarpon(rare), and more.

I describe the Berrys as an aspirational fishery… a great place to test your skills on challenging fish that often run larger than average. Anglers should be ready to seek quality over quantity. The Berry Island fishery is unique and tide dependent. The tide will show you what’s available and hide what is not. If the tide is too high switch your focus to our bait & switch program for snapper or chase barracuda until the water is perfect for bonefish or permit. I encourage anglers to have an open mind and not force opportunities until the moment arrives.

It’ a dreamy chain of islands to fish, with lots of options. This entry will help you get to know the in’s and out’s of the Berry Islands a little better so you can start visualizing your next trip.

A firm sandy flat meets the shoreline of an outer island south of Great Harbour Cay.  A deep channel cuts through this flat and leads out to the oceanside.

A firm sandy flat meets the shoreline of an outer island south of Great Harbour Cay. A deep channel cuts through this flat and leads out to the oceanside.


The White Sand // If you like to wade then bonefishing in the Berry Islands should be on your list. With miles of firm white sandy flats you can spend a full day on your feet during the right tides. Fishing for tailing bones in inches of water is tough to beat. We get a lot of bigger school on the white sand that can be packed tightly together or spread out so much that it feels like hunting singles and small groups. The collective wisdom of these groups sometimes require a presentation with plenty of lead, quiet feet and a stealthy cast. Delivering the fly without your quarry ever detecting the threat is the name of the game.

A classic bonefishing scenario in the Berry Islands.  On a good day you’ll see school after school of bonefish feeding and tailing in skinny water.

A classic bonefishing scenario in the Berry Islands. On a good day you’ll see school after school of bonefish feeding and tailing in skinny water.

The Backcountry Creeks // The creek systems are lush productive environments, rich with prey for big bonefish. It’s these creeks that offer a reprieve from the open water. Winding through this element searching for stout bonefish will certainly you hold your attention. Elements like this vary from the North end of the chain all the way to the South. It’s more likely to find smaller groups here and singles. Keep your eyes peeled for that fish of a lifetime but don’t forget to look around and soak in the beauty of this environ.

Mangroves, mud, limestone and turtle grass.  Stay alert, that big fish might cross your bow in here.

Mangroves, mud, limestone and turtle grass. Stay alert, that big fish might cross your bow in here.

The Mangroves // One third of all marine species were born and raised in mangrove forests around the world. Needless to say the biodiversity in these nurseries help to support the entire flats ecosystem. It’s no wonder why everything from bonefish to mutton snapper can be found along these edges and forests. Spotting a juvenile permit or tarpon is not off the table either.

Tracking a bonefish around the edge of a mangrove on Great Harbour Cay.

Tracking a bonefish around the edge of a mangrove on Great Harbour Cay.

Turtlegrass Flats // Bonefish and other species slide through the turtlegrass happily feeding on the surplus of prey that these meadows hold. Fish quickly adjust their color and will appear darker over this lush green carpet. Berry Island bonefish love the turtle grass, even in deeper water. We find that some groups of bones hold in deep water until the tide is just right to come hunting down the edges of grasses on the low.

The turtlegrass provides shelter for many small fish and invertebrates.

The turtlegrass provides shelter for many small fish and invertebrates.

Oceanside Edges // Stay ready because you never know what flats target might cross your path on flats like this. Triggerfish, Permit, Bonefish, Barracuda, and Mutton Snapper might only be a few strokes of the pole away. Don’t forget to fish the points of these cays as it’s not uncommon to intersect with some interesting suspects in the slightly deeper water where current brings ample food by for holding fish.

Searching for tails on a picturesque day in the Bahamas.

Searching for tails on a picturesque day in the Bahamas.


The black tailed devil is most definitely on the hit list at Soul Fly Lodge. From the north end of the chain all the way down to the southern tip of the Berrys you’ll find permit in the right spots on the right tides. Putting time into chasing these fish at the Lodge is a worthwhile pursuit and some of our guests come just for this flats star. Permit are challenging but attainable. A successful permit hook up is the culmination of controlling as many of variables as possible… a sprinkle of luck & magic can help newer anglers punch above their weight class. All of the Soul Fly Lodge guides have a passion for permit. Take a deep breath, make the high percentage shots and believe in yourself as your permit could be just one cast away.

This permit was an especially wiley opponent with plenty of spirit to spare which she proved by her sprint to the horizon after release.

This permit was an especially wiley opponent with plenty of spirit to spare which she proved by her sprint to the horizon after release.

Triggerfish // Baracuda // Mutton Snapper & Beyond

I certainly mean no disrespect by bunching these fish together under one heading as each of these flats species are incredibly fun to pursue. The truth is, the Berry Islands give anglers the chance to choose their own adventure and have vastly different angling experiences. Triggerfish like closer access to deep water and channels. Flats close to the ocean often hold the triggers. Mutton Snapper like all sorts of environments and tend to be in deeper water than a tailing bonefish would be. Barracuda lurk on any given flat, waiting to ambush vulnerable prey. Even tarpon are seen in the Berry Islands. If you want to spend time checking a few new species off your list, the Berry Islands might be the perfect spot for your next flats fishing trip.

Bait & Switch - The program is an absolute blast. When the tide is up and the bonefish are hiding away in the mangroves or surrounded by sharks we suggest picking up the spinning rod with the hookless plug to work water for a mixed back of jacks, snapper and other heavy hitting fish. The guide or second angler in the boat can throw the hookless plug to arouse a number of different species to chase the plug. The primary angler will be ready with fly rod in hand to cast at the fish attacking the plug. The second angler will quickly remove the plug from the equation and all that’s left is a tempting fly from the first angler and a charged up fish ready to hunt.

Photography: Matt Jones Photography // Soul Fly

Read more on the Soul Fly Journal:


Prep Your Cast for the Flats


Welcome To Soul Fly Lodge