Soul Fly Lodge

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Soul Fly Keys to Success, Part II

As a continuation of our Soul Fly Keys to Success, a mental preparation strategy, below is Part II. Keep these concepts in mind as you practice your casting, pack your gear, and start to envision your time on the Berry Island flats.

For more information on the ‘nuts and bolts’ of trip preparation, see our Trip Planner & Outfitting Guide, and, as always, reach out to us directly at any time with questions!

A Stealthy Angler Succeeds

The value of stealth cannot be overstated when flats fishing and, unlike some angling formulas, this one is simple: more stealth equals more high quality shots equals more fish. In the classic Curtis Creek Manifesto, author Sheridan Anderson puts it this way: “This simple imperative is the key to catching fish: MUSTN’T SCARE!” Soul Fly Lodge’s skiffs are shallow and light and they move quietly, but they inevitably cause some disturbance in the water. Limiting the amount of heavy or inadvertent movements in the boat, and especially while casting, will minimize the disturbances felt by the fish in the water.

Tread softly around the boat as well, both when fishing and when not. If walking around the boat, step slowly and intentionally to avoid knocking something over or losing balance. If going into the cooler, close the hatch softly. If getting a drink of water, place the bottle back down carefully. These all sound like small things - and they are - but they will make a big difference. And, your guide and fishing partner will really appreciate it.

Another great facet of bonefishing in the Berry Islands is the opportunity to fish on foot. In such moments, it’s extremely important to retain as much stealth as possible. Much more so than fishing from the skiff, when we wade fish for bonefish and permit, we are in the fish’s element and they surely have the home court advantage. Soft and quiet footsteps are the way, such that the impact of each footstep and the amount of splashing are minimized. While it’s tempting to move quickly in pursuit of a fish that’s been spotted, the risk is that the fish will be spooked by a low-quality shot and, additionally, other nearby fish will also be spooked, crippling the fishing for some time to come.

Control The Variables

There are countless variables that we can’t control when flats fishing: wind, clouds, tides, where the fish are, if the fish are happy, and the list could go on. So, assuming we want to make good shots at fish and catch a few of them, we have to do our best to control the variables that we can have an effect on. These are things we do both at Soul Fly Lodge and when away, and they include our casting, our stealth, and our state of mind.

Take the time to practice casting before the trip - even just 10 or 15 minutes a day will provide noticeable benefits when on the skiff. Keep the rod that will be brought to the lodge strung up at home and ready to bring outside. Pretend you’re on the water at Soul Fly and practice shots the shots you’ll take when you’re here: 25 feet all the way up to 75 - not just distance casting. As mentioned above, be stealthy when moving around the boat and when making presentations to fish. If, 90% of the time, you can make a good shot at 50 feet, don’t try that 60’ shot on the fish of a lifetime - control the variables and play within your game or skill set.

Lastly, maintain that positive state of mind discussed earlier. Believe in your angling abilities and have confidence that the fish will come, but be prepared for challenges and seize the moments when opportunities for learning present themselves. In the words of singer-songwriter Ray Wylie Hubbard, endeavor to ‘keep your gratitude higher than your expectations.’ If we do, great things will be the result.

Enjoy The Moment

The final key to success at Soul Fly Lodge is simple: take in the experience, and enjoy it to the fullest.

You traveled far and long to get to the Berry Islands and you want to catch the fish that swim in your dreams. We all wish the same but doing so inevitably adds some degree of pressure to the whole experience. When that fish does come into view, take comfort in knowing that you made it to the moment, which is no small task! All the logistics and stressors necessary to get here have passed and now the only thing left to do is appreciate the moment and give yourself some thanks that you made it here.

It’s your trip - you booked it because you wanted to experience all that Soul Fly Lodge has to offer. Enjoy the camaraderie that comes with fishing at Soul Fly Lodge. Enjoy the fish that come to hand and those that refuse your fly. Enjoy the community that surrounds the lodge - we share your successes with you. It’s OK to smile! Laughing is encouraged! So are high fives and hugs. And so are tears of joy.