Seasons at Soul Fly Lodge
When planning a trip to the Berry Islands and Soul Fly Lodge, a very common question we hear is, “When should I come?” and our very short answer to this question is always – whenever you can! Special moments and incredible fishing can happen at any time of the year at Soul Fly, and there’s never a silver bullet when it comes to timing. Sometimes, all it takes is one cast and one fish to make a day or a trip, so we encourage all our guests to keep that in mind when planning their trip.
The target species at Soul Fly Lodge – bonefish, permit, snappers, barracuda, triggerfish, jacks, and others – are all residents to the Berry Islands so it’s possible to have great shots for any of them, at any time of the year. Each of these species are affected by a variety of variables like water and air temperatures, moon phases, tides direction and magnitude, wind and weather, that no one ever has control over. While we always do our best to control the variables, approach the fishing with the right frame of mind, and work hard to find fish and get quality shots at them.
When it comes to the seasons of the year, there are definitive trends and patterns that make for more- or less-predictable fishing, depending on the species in question. The following is a rundown of the three fishing seasons at Soul Fly Lodge, and is a rough estimation of what guests can expect to find upon arrival.
Late-Summer & Fall (September, October & November)
To put it bluntly, this is the best time of the year to target both bonefish and permit. At this point in the calendar, water temperatures are favorable for both species and anglers can expect to have multiple shots at each during their trip, if the weather provides the required stability. Unfortunately, this is also hurricane season in the Bahamas, so guests do run the risk of intersecting with a large storm system, which can shut down fishing completely or, in extreme cases, cause trips to be canceled.
Bonefishing this time of year is exciting because fish of all sizes are present, and it’s possible for anglers to find both quantity and quality of fish. Bonefish are typically very happy this time of year and can be found cruising across and tailing on the flats. Nevertheless, stealth while fishing and accurate casts are required and there are rarely ‘easy’ fish. Again, with challenge comes reward.
Anglers most interested in fishing for permit will find their best chances during summer and fall months, and the fishing can be exceptional when all the factors align. Warmer, stable weather leads to happy fish on the flats and, in turn, numerous shots at them. Bear in mind though that Bahamas permit are always challenging, no matter the time of year, and a successful day of permit fishing is often measured by the number of quality shots that are offered to the angler.
Winter (December, January & February)
Winter is undoubtedly the best time of year to hunt the large, mature bonefish that the Berry Islands are known for. As the weather cools in the fall and winter, these larger bonefish are typically more accessible, and there is often an influx of larger fish that make their way onto the flats. Larger bonefish often travel the flats alone or in smaller groups, which makes fishing for them extremely exciting – it’s a true hunting experience and, again, a single fish can make a day.
Permit, however, are less interested in the cooler weather and water temperatures, so they are much less predictable to target during the winter. Resident permit do indeed still come onto the flats this time of year, but oftentimes they remain in nearby channels of deeper water or in reef systems, which makes them very challenging to target. Further, the lower temperatures often make for less ‘happy’ fish, which decreases the odds but also ups the reward when one is successfully stalked, fed, and hooked.
Barracuda, mutton snapper, jacks, triggers, and others can all be targeted and caught this time of year but are also susceptible to changes in weather. Generally speaking, colder weather makes for more challenging fishing.
The primary risk with fishing during the winter months is an arrival of a cold front. Such weather affects wind velocity, wind direction, barometric pressure, and so forth which certainly impacts the fishing negatively. That said, when fronts pass (and they always do), the fishing afterwards can be spectacular, as all our target species return to the flats to feed after spending some time away.
Spring & Early-Summer (March, April, May & June)
This time of year typically brings the most stable weather patterns – we’re outside of hurricane seasons and cold fronts are much less intense in their severity and duration. This is a very popular time to fish the Berry Islands, and Bahamas in general, and guests can expect to have numerous shots at both bonefish and permit.
Bonefish at this time of year are plentiful, and while their average size is smaller compared to the winter months, larger fish are definitely around and caught. Bonefish are more often found in schools during the spring and early summer and they’re typically happy fish – great targets on the fly.
The permit fishing during this time of year has moments of greatness, though we don’t consider this entire period to be ‘prime time’ because water temperatures are still cooler than optimal for permit, and there is still a chance for cold fronts. As such, the permit fishing specifically can be hit or miss, and it all depends on the weather. However, as stable weather finds its way to the Berrys, the permit fishing can be excellent, especially as we get into May and June.
Our other target species are available this time of year and can provide fun and exciting fishing when combined with the solid bonefishing and permit shots. Overall, it’s a great time to be in the Berrys!
Summer - Closed (July & August)
Soul Fly Lodge takes a couple months off during the height of the summer heat for staff to recharge and to allow our fish to catch a break from anglers while they spawn. This is a wonderful time of year to fish the States for stripers and freshwater bass, and to consider fishing at elevation for trout.
The weather will be the largest determinant in catch rates, no matter the time of year, but visit us at Soul Fly Lodge when you can, keep our Keys to Success in mind, and your trip is bound to be a success!
In summary:
Late-Summer & Fall (September, October & November): Best time of year for multiple shots at both bonefish and permit, though risk of large storms.
Winter (December, January & February): Big bonefish, occasional shots at permit, and solid fishing for our other species. Risk of cold fronts.
Spring & Early-Summer (March, April, May & June): Stable weather leads to consistent fishing for average sizes of all species.
Summer - Closed (July & August): Enjoy your fishing elsewhere!
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